
This website provides a tutorial on R for Linguists. The tutorial provides learners with a foundation to the R programming language using RStudio. It covers the basics of the R grammar, including how to define variables, use R as a calculator, and do basic data manipulation. Building on basic data manipulation, it then covers how to work with full datasets and obtaining summary statistics using the dplyr package (Tidyverse). Finally, it covers data visualization using ggplot2 (Tidyverse), as well as some additional string manipulation and data formatting (e.g., tidyr). No prior programming knowledge is assumed.

Acknowledgments: This tutorial was originally developed for the Masters program at the University of York Department of Language and Linguistic Science and further revised for a full-day workshop at the Linguistics Methods Fest at the University of Salzburg. Part of the structure and content was inspired by the Software Carpentries Course, R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis, 2019 version. The work was also partially supported by SNSF grant 208460.

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